Online official records search will be intermittently available starting Friday, December 6, at 6pm due to maintenance. Please check back later.

Jordan Z. Marks


County of San Diego

Office of the Recorder | County Clerk

Our duties are to provide public notice by accepting and recording legal documents required by law upon payment of proper fees and taxes, as well as maintaining birth, marriage, and death records and indices for San Diego County. It is our mission to provide for the orderly and expeditious recordation, archiving and retrieval of legal documents submitted and to provide for the efficient distribution to the public, and to educate the public in all the department's programs and provide our services with maximum transparency and consideration. 

Common Services

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Our office posts all California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents received within the past 30 days.

When visiting the link above, read and accept the disclaimer, then select "CEQA Postings" from the top menu.

Our office does not hold the records for adoptions, wills, or divorces. Visit the Superior Court website linked above if such records were filed in San Diego. 

Our office assists the public with various transaction requests.

Check out the link to our Year in Review for exciting updates on the accomplishments of the Recorder/County Clerk over the past year.

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